

Oil paintings contain a complex world of chemistry where pigments and binders interact with each other and their environment on a timescale of centuries. The overarching goals of this meeting are to reach consensus as a community about the key chemical reactions, equilibria or transport processes that drive detrimental change to the optical or mechanical properties of paint materials, as well as discuss the analytical approaches that are needed to study these processes. We hope these discussions can serve as the foundation for future research efforts that efficiently support preventive and remedial conservation strategies of painted artworks.

The event is serves as a platform to present research results, discuss open research questions and foster new collaborations, and is aimed at all researchers studying the behaviour of oil paint layers.

We hope to see you in Paris in June!



The workshop will take place at the Collège néerlandais of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP), 61 Bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris. More information about the venue can be found here: https://www.ciup.fr/maisons/college-neerlandais/


Invited Lectures

The following researchers will give invited lectures during the workshop:

· Dr. Ilaria Bonaduce (University of Pisa, Italy)

· Véronique Sorano-Stedman (Centre Pompidou, France)

· Dr. Francisco Mederos-Henry (KIK-IRPA, Belgium)

· Prof. dr. Katrien Keune (Rijksmuseum, the Netherlands)

· Dr. Laurent Binet (IRCP, France)

· Dr. Rémi Métivier (PPSM, ENS Paris Saclay, France)


Oral communications

Two discussion sessions introduced by a presentation of 15 min will be held. These introductions will focused on current open research questions and problems, and have the main goal of sparking discussion.

Additionally, there will be an informal poster session to foster discussion in smaller groups.



The program of the meeting can be found here:




This event is offered free of charge. However, it is limited to approximately 50 participants.

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